

1.瑞士旅游景点排名介绍英语 瑞士旅游介绍英文


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瑞士旅游景点排名介绍英语 瑞士旅游介绍英文



       1、The most spectacular and spectacular scenery in Switzerland is at the top of Europe, 3454 meters above sea level, Jungfrau. Standing on the top of the peak, looking around, the sky is wide and the scenery is charming.


       Snow peaks stand like handle blades straight into the clouds. The shining white snow and the bright sunshine are shining against each other, especially against the dark blue sky.


       Snow peaks have distinct edges and corners of ice and snow, while the snow layer in the backlight is soft and soothing. Layers of white clouds like surging waves, forming a huge front at the foot; everything is so pure, so holy.


       2、Switzerland, best known as one of the richest coutries in the world, has lots of fantastic views. With a large rang of plants not found at other attitudes, it is good to experience some pressure as visiting and grazing.


       During the winter, visitors can really enjoy ice skating in a white and mountainous enviornment. Switzerland is worth to travel whenever and whatever seasons because it has moderate climate all year round.


       3、From spring to late autumn, ice trains start every day, and the Mercedes Benz is 300 kilometers between the two major tourist attractions in Switzerland, that is, between St. Paul and St. meritsk.


       When the train runs through the railway, the most dazzling part of the train journey is seen in a snowy snow, and the train is moving slowly, as if the story of a cartoon story is reappearing.


       During the train journey, there will be about 291 bridges and 91 tunnels. It is difficult to see the construction at that time. The railway runs in the alpine mountains with the highest rock level and the lowest point is 1429 meters.


       The landscape along the way is changeable. The scenery of streams, valleys, waterfalls, villages and fields is beautiful. The train of the glacier train is specially designed to be bright red. Mercedes-Benz in the fields and mountains, looks particularly striking and beautiful.


       4、Switzerland is a mountainous landlocked country in south-central Europe. East boundary, Liechtenstein, South to west, West to France, north to Germany. Its territory is east from 10 degrees east to 29 "26", and the state of Sawan, the west of the East is 5 "57" 24 ".


       The southernmost point is located at 45 degrees 49 '8" at the north latitude, near the northern part of TECO, and the northernmost part of the North is 47 degrees 48 "48". It is 220.1 kilometers long in North and South and 348.4 kilometers long in East and west.


       The entire territory is divided into the central and Southern Alps (60% of the total area), the northwestern Jura Mountains (10%), and the central plateau (30%) three natural terrain areas.


       The average altitude is about 1350 meters, the highest point is near duer's Dufu peak (DUFOUL-PEAK, elevation 4634 meters). The lowest point is located at LAKE MAGGIOLE, -193 meters above sea level.


       5、Switzerland is divided into three main regions: the Alps, the Swiss plateau and the Ru La mountains. The Alps are composed of granite, gneiss, crystalline rock and limestone.


       The Swiss plateau is formed by the gravel layer; the Jura Mountains are formed by limestone. As a famous Swiss writer once said, "the Swiss are proud of having built such a good mountain range."




       City/Region: Geneva

       Picturesquely located on the shores of Lake Geneva, the youthful and energetic city of Lausanne is built above the lake on a sequence of tiers connected by a small metro. The upper or Old Town contains the grand Gothic cathedral, Notre-Dame; its turreted towers a well-known symbol of the city. The lower town on the lakeshore was once the small fishing village of Ouchy and is now the prime waterfront area with outdoor dining and cafes, promenades and sporting activities. The gardens around the Quay d'Ouchy are home to the city's foremost attraction, the Olympic Museum, containing a wealth of sporting memories and a collection of unique objects pertaining to the Olympic Games from its beginning until the present. Lausanne relishes its importance as the Olympic World Capital and headquarters of the International Olympic Committee.





















        导语:瑞士的精华在于日内瓦、苏黎世这些城市,也在于阿尔卑斯的雪山与湖泊。在这里你既可以选择少女峰、马特洪峰去滑雪、徒步,也可以选择轻松地坐火车、乘船游览。 最重要的您可以在阿尔卑斯山感受清冽的湖泊和清新的空气。


        1、卢塞恩湖 Lake Lucerne



        2、少女峰 Jungfraujoch


        这座山山顶常年被冰雪覆盖,而山下却绿草茵茵、风景秀丽,是欧洲著名的旅游和户外运动的胜地。这一地区已于 2001年被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然遗产。

        3、卡佩尔廊桥 Chapel Bridge

       卡佩尔廊桥Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke)又叫教堂桥,这是卢塞恩的标志,始建于1333年,也是欧洲最古老的有顶木桥。桥的横眉上绘有120幅宗教历史油画,沿途还可以欣赏描述当年黑死病流行景象的画作。这座横跨罗伊斯河,长达200公尺的木桥有两个转折点,桥身近中央的地方有一个八角型的水塔(Water Tower),曾经是作战时安放战利品及珠宝之处,有一段时间也用作监狱及行刑室。卡佩尔桥在1993年8月17日为一场火所毁,只剩下水塔未被破坏,虽然现在已经重新修补完整,但新旧痕迹仍可清晰辨认,梁上的图也不及当年那么引人入胜。黄昏时在此漫步,仍可领略卢塞恩的一股浪漫的中古情怀。现今卡佩尔廊桥仍是卢塞恩明信片上不可缺少的景物。

        4、垂死狮子像 Lion Monument

       垂死狮子像(德语:L_wen Denkmal)是一座负伤狮子的雕像,由丹麦雕塑家巴特尔·托瓦尔森设计雕刻而成。在石像的上方刻有拉丁文“HELVETIORUM FIDEI AC VIRTUTI”,意为“献给忠诚和勇敢的瑞士”。下方刻字的第一行是“DIE X AUGUSTI II ET III SEPTEMBRIS MDCCXCII”,表示惨剧发生的时间:1792年的八月十日和九月二、三日。狮子右前爪的两面盾牌上分别有象征瑞士的十字徽章和法国王室的香根鸢尾。


        5、铁力士山 Mount Titlis

       铁力士雪山,又称铁力士峰(Titlis),是阿尔卑斯山著名的风景区,海拔3238米,属瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉部份的'山峰。在瑞士上瓦尔登 州(Obwalden)中部,距离恩格尔贝格村落(Engelberg)大约1、5小时车程,拥有世界首创的旋转登山缆车,共可承载80位乘客的旋转缆车,每程都会旋转360度一圈,摄人美景尽入眼帘。铁力士峰可供游玩的种类繁多,冰川飞渡吊椅(Ice Flyer Chairlift)、铁力士冰川乐园(Titlis Glacier Park)、冰川漫步(Glacier Hike)等。

        6、因特拉肯 Interlaken


        7、大喷泉 Jet d'Eau

       大喷泉(Jet d'Eau)是位于瑞士日内瓦湖畔的一座特大型人工喷泉,使用高压帮浦抽取日内瓦湖水并打上空中,喷出的高度可达约140公尺。此喷泉也是日内瓦的著名地标,从日内瓦的许多地方都可以望见。在喷泉下方有一条堤道,喷出的湖水有时会随着风向直接落在堤道上,宛如倾盆大雨,为日内瓦的热门观光景点。

        8、苏黎世湖 Zurich Lake

       苏黎世湖(Zurich Lake),是瑞士著名的冰蚀湖,在瑞士高原东北部,宽4公里,长约39公里,从苏黎世市向东南延伸,呈新月形。苏黎世湖湖面码头停满了各色游艇,俨然一个富人俱乐部。苏黎世湖的北岸为富人居住地,号称“金岸”,而南岸则称之为“银岸”。


        9、西庸城堡 Chateau de Chillon


        10、马特宏峰 The Matterhorn




















        China's Great Wall is the

        greatest building project in human history of civilization.


        It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years ago.


        After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.


        Two generations of wise people have constructed The Great Wall intensively. Vast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called world miracle.

        聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。

        It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall's ruins in offical days.

        You will not only could witness Great Wall's apparance that meandered in the hills and high moutains , but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , great wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘’World heritage Name list‘’.

        它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘’世界遗产名录"中。


        Summer palace is one of the biggest and beautiful royal garden. It is also one of the royal heritage which is kept well.


        It was established in 1764, and has 290 hectares. During Summer, the Emperor will go there for relax, to avoid the high temperature in the forbidden city.


        In the summer palace, it has a kunming lake and longevity Hill. We can row a boat in the kunming lake, or climb the longevity Hill to visit the Chinese temple which on the mountain. It is nice place for us to visit and have a rest.



       所有也太多了 以下参考吧

       长城 The Great Wall

       故宫 The Palace Museum(TheForbidden City)

       人民大会堂 Great Hall of the people

       颐和园 The Summer Palace

       香山 The Fragrant Hill

       天安门广场 Tian An Men Square

       人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People's heroes

       毛主席纪念堂 The Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao

       天坛 The Temple of Heaven

       雍和宫 Lama Temple

       亚运村 Asian Games Village

       圆明园 Garden of Gardens

       民族文化宫 The Nationalities Cultural Palace

       十三陵 The Ming Tombs

       首都体育馆 The Capital Gymnasium

       中国人民历史博物馆 Museum of Chinese History and the Chinese Revolution

       中国人民歌名军事博物馆 Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution

       农业展览馆 The Agriculture Exhibition Hall

       中国美术馆 The Chinese Art Gallery

       卢沟桥 Marco Polo Bridge(Lugou bridge)

       中华世纪坛 China Millennium Monument

       紫檀博物馆 China red sandalwood museum



       内蒙古拥有奇特的自然风光和悠久的历史文化,旅游资源十分丰富。名胜古迹有四大类别,即陵园古墓、古城遗址、寺庙古塔以及革命家、革命活动遗址。内蒙古的自然景观有:呼伦贝尔大草原、锡林郭勒大草原、大兴安岭原始森林。内蒙古交通已形成了以首府呼和浩特市为中心的铁路、公路、民航组成的综合交通运输网络。主要铁路干线有京包线、京通线、包兰线、滨洲线、集二线;由于该区城市少而分散,地势平坦,因此适宜发展公路交通。内蒙古公路网以国道为骨干,干支线相结合,沟通各盟市旗县的交通网络。内蒙古住宿,旅游住宿以农家乐、蒙古包形式为主,宾馆酒店也一应俱全。 内蒙古是清朝内扎克蒙古的简称,位于中国北部边疆,西北紧邻蒙古和俄罗斯。面积118万平方公里,是我国跨经度最大的省份。内蒙古人口以蒙古族和汉族数量最多,此外,还有朝鲜、回、满、达斡尔、鄂温克、鄂伦春等民族。全区分设9个辖地级市,3个盟;其下又辖12县级市、17县、49旗、3自治旗。首府呼和浩特市。包头、赤峰、乌兰浩特、乌兰察布、乌海、呼伦贝尔、通辽、鄂尔多斯等为自治区内主要城市。 内蒙古地理位置的特殊性决定了当地旅游资源的丰富多样。大面积的草原和沙漠是内蒙古最吸引人的独特的自然风光。其北部草原居全国牧场之首,呼伦贝尔大草原、中部的锡林郭勒草原、希拉穆仁草原都是感受草原风光的好去处。内蒙古的沙漠主要分布在西部地区,比较著名的有巴丹吉林沙漠、腾格里沙漠、库布齐沙漠的响沙湾等。而以蒙古族为主体的民族风情更为内蒙古草原增添了淳朴自然的神韵。 内蒙古的主要山脉有大兴安岭、贺兰山、乌拉山和大青山。还有呼伦湖、贝尔湖等著名湖泊,黄河流经本区西南部。 内蒙古还是“一代天骄”成吉思汗的故乡,境内有不少的名胜古迹,如成吉思汗陵、昭君墓、五当召、席力图召等。 “金杯、银杯斟满洒,双手举过头;炒米、奶茶、手扒肉,请你吃个够。”这首祝酒歌,是对蒙古族饮食文化的精确概括。

       _最佳季节:5月-9月是去内蒙古旅游的最佳时间,因为内蒙古总体上为半干旱半湿润的温带季风气候,但全区跨越经度大,东西部气候存在一定的差异,考虑到此种差异,针对不同的目的地应有选择不同的时节出游,具体来说: 1、东部草原区。草原的春夏秋三季几乎相连在一起,因此5-9月间气候温和,清朗凉爽,十分适合出游。其中一年一度的“那达慕”大会在7-9月举行。 2、东部森林区。金秋时节去阿尔山的大兴安岭林海,层林尽染,色彩斑斓,宛若油画,美不胜收。当然若是不畏严寒也可考虑冬季去一览林海雪原。 3、西部戈壁沙漠区。去西部的沙漠区最好选择秋季,也就是8-10月,秋天的大漠跌落在一望无际的暗金色迷雾里,偶尔有点点绿洲和神秘的海市蜃楼,展现着沙漠的奇美瑰丽。此外,额济纳的胡杨林也是在金秋时节最有韵味。





       Putuo Mountain, one of the Four Holy Buddhist Mountains, covers an area of 12.5 square kilometers. The highest peak, the Fudingshan Mountain is 300 meters high above the sea level. Temples, monasteries, nunneries are spread all over the mountain. According to the annals of Putuo Mountain, after the construction of "Unwilling-to-go" Guanyin Temple, people began to build up temples in large scales. The remained ten ancient architecture complex and historical sights were built in Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing. Putuo Mountain once had 82 temples, 128 huts, accommodating 4,000 monk and nuns at its heyday. When you walk on the paths, you probably can come across monks in kasaya. The glorious sceneries as well as the glamour concerned with Buddhism make it a sacred mountain.

       Puji Temple, Fayu Temple, and Huiji Temple are the three largest in the twenty temples in Putuo. Puji Temple, covering 11,000 square meters, was first built in Song Dynasty, and is the main temple devoted to the Goddess of Guanxin. Fayu Temple was first built in Ming. It sits along the mountain with different layers on it. Numerous large trees stand in the mountain, qualify the temple for a quiet and deep place. Huiji Temple is on the Foding Peak, so gets a name after that, Foding Peak Temple.

       Bizarre rocks and queer cliffs can be seen everywhere. The most famous twenty are Qingtuo Rock, Rock of Two Tortoises Listening to Preaching, Rock of Buddhist Heaven on Sea, etc. Along the line where the mountain connects with the sea, many spectacular caves are very attractive. Chaoyin Cave and Fanyin Cave are the two top ones.

       有关青岛旅游景点的英文介绍~~ 急啊急。。




       Xuejiadao tourist resort is a provincial tourist resort approved by the people's Government of Shandong Province in November 1995. It is located in Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone. With a planning area of 9.8 square kilometers, the resort is a long and narrow peninsula with a coastline of 54 kilometers. The northeast is a mountainous area, the central part is a plain, and the southwest part is a hilly area. Like a phoenix flying, it lies on the shore of the Yellow Sea.

       Xuejiadao tourist resort is also one of the twelve provincial tourist resorts in Shandong Province. "Sunrise of Huang'an", "ancient temple of Chaohai", "Xiaozhong of Shangquan", "snow wave of Yuzui", "sea singing of stone sparrow", "Phoenix playing pearl", "sunset of Zhimen" and "scenery of Phoenix Mountain" add attractive charm to Xuejia island.



       Qingdao polar ocean world is located at No.60 Donghai East Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province. It is a large-scale ocean world complex integrating leisure, entertainment, shopping and culture. It was completed in July 2006. The first phase of the core project polar ocean animal exhibition and Performance Hall, Ocean Expo and popular science exhibition hall are now national AAAA tourist attractions.



       主要分为石 门寺景区、珠山秀谷景区。景区自然景观和人文景观荟萃,旅游资源丰富,先后被评为青岛市森林公园、山东省农业旅游示范点、全国农业旅游示范点、国家AAAA级旅游景区。

       DAZHUSHAN scenic area is located in the southeast coast of Huangdao District, Qingdao, with 486 meters of the main peak, Dazhai top, and a total area of 65 square kilometers.

       It is mainly divided into Shimen Temple scenic area and Zhushan xiugu scenic area. The scenic spot is rich in natural and cultural landscapes and tourism resources. It has been successively rated as Qingdao Forest Park, Shandong Agricultural tourism demonstration point, national agricultural tourism demonstration point and national AAAA level tourist attraction.




       青岛是国家历史文化名城、重点历史风貌保护城市、首批中国优秀旅游城市。国家重点文物保护单位34处。国家级风景名胜区有崂山风景名胜区、青岛海滨风景区。山东省近300处优秀历史建筑中,青岛占131处。青岛历史风貌保护区内有重点名人故居85处,已列入保护目录26处。 国家级自然保护区1处:即墨马山石林。



成都旅游景点英语介绍对话 成都景点英语介绍词

       There are varied ways of defining tourism. Some people regard it as a pollution-free industry; others think of it an invisible school, Both are based on an accepted fact that tourism cannot only produce profits bearing no pollution along with, but help broaden knowledge and fortify healthy. Aside from the above there exists awidespread theory, claiming that whatever is of the ability to increase in capital belongs to productive industry. In this sense, tourism should hold a position in the scope and ought to be treated as such.

       It is true that there is some sense in the theory, yet another equally or even more important aspect should be granted more publicity to. Tourism, in terms of its objective purposes, has a social function which contributes to human communication. Coming from vadous social backgrounds, having motives and goals of every kind, tourists get together, draw close and exchange ideas of their own, from which a fresh state of mind will be created. So what kind of production is it? To the question we should have good reason to give a proper answer: it is a spirit production, a reproduction of relations of production. And the more frequently such exchanges are made, the more good they will do to promoting social and economic development of the mutual. If it is the case that making money through tourism means a dent we have made, so it foretells a fortune to provide cultural service along with tourism. Therefore, to keep close eyes on the latter involves changing our minds first, that is, tourism is by no means a pure economic concept, but takes plenty of ideological activities as its content.





       On summer vacation ,I got to the Cheng Du with my family .It was so beautiful City we had something special(特色物品)And we went to the happy valley(欢乐谷,成都著名景点) My family and I were so happy today!


       Chengdu,the capital of Sichuan Province,lies in the hinterland of the Chengdu Plain,in central Sichuan.Covering a total land area of 12,400 square kilometers,Chengdu has a jurisdiction of over 7 districts,4 cities and 8 counties.By the end of 1999,the population of Chengdu had reached 10.036 million,of which 3.30 million were urban residents.Chengdu enjoys a long history.2,500 years ago,Kaiming IX,king of ancient Shu in the Zhou Dynasty (11th century 256BC),started to set up the capital in Chengdu."A town was built in this area in the first year and the capital in the second year,so the ancestor named the city as Chengdu,which means to become a capital.Later on,Chengdu gradually became one of the most important centers of politics,economy and culture in China.It has been the capital for the feudal dynasties five times and twice for the peasant uprising regimes,known as Dashu and Daxi.As early as in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD)),Chengdu began to enjoy the fame of one of the Top Five Capitals.In the Tang Dynasty (618-907),Chengdu was reputed as the Yang (Yangzhou) first,yi (Chengdu) second; it had by then became the economic center just after Yangzhou.In the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD),brocades produced in Chengdu were very popular in China.So Chengdu was also called the City of Brocade.In the Five Kingdoms Period (907-960),Mengchang,king of the Houshu Kingdom,decreed to plant hibiscuses on the protective wall of the city,so Chengdu was also called the City of Hibiscus.As one of China's famous historical and cultural cities,Chengdu enjoys rich tourist resources.15,500 years ago,a well-known poet in the Jin Kingdom,Zuo Si extolled Chengdu as lofty and pretty.This city has also gained the eulogium by both Li Bai,the poet immortal and Du Fu,the poet sage.With rich cultural heritage and beautiful scenic spots,Chengdu is a peaceful and prosperous city



        The final exam is over, my father and mother and friends to go to Chengdu tourism, we went to a total of 12 people, the team is really go forward with great strength and vigour.


        On the first day we went to Wuhou Temple, is my most want to play the scenic spots, because it is dedicated to Liu Bei and Zhu Geliang, this is my favorite three characters (I am a real three fans). Liu Bei in Wuhou Temple is not so handsome in my imagination, I love the statue of Zhang Fei, the black eyes can be fun, and a statue of Zhao Zilong is a white beard old man, the tour guide said this is because Zhao Yun is Tianlong himself, very long. Many great people, Wuhou Temple, we also saw before and after Yue Fei wrote Inst, Yue Fei's calligraphy great, original ancient generals can write a good hand.


        The second day we went to Dujiangyan, there is a water conservancy project, very powerful, but a lot of rain, we all dressed in brightly coloured raincoats, do not remember what, but I remember the day the urgent urgent, we walked a long bridge, the bridge crane was shaking powerful, very exciting and very scary. We also went to Qingchengshan in the afternoon, only to play a raincoat, ha ha.


        The third day we continue to climb, this is Leshan Giant Buddha, the Buddha is really great, we have come to the following from its head again, it is said that next year will not see the Buddha's body, because later in the body where building houses protected. We also saw the mountain was larger than the Leshan Giant Buddha Buddha. Tell you a little knowledge of the mountain Leshan Giant Buddha is not called Leshan, called mountain peak. Evening we went to eat the best local hot pot, the taste is really good.

        第四天还是爬山,这次是峨眉山,峨眉山很漂亮,我们坐了缆车,一百个人同时能挤在一个篮子里的,不过真得很挤,我们一人买了一根竹棍子做拐杖,感觉像孙悟空一样。峨眉山顶我看到了雪山,是西藏的雪山,衬着白云,像天堂一样,美极了。我还在山顶点了莲花灯 不过挺遗憾的,我们没去猴区,因为我们实在是爬不动了,据说那里有很多流氓猴 不去也蛮好的。

        Fourth days or mountain climbing, this is Mount Emei, Mount Emei is very beautiful, we took a cable car, one hundred people at the same time to squeeze in a basket, but it is very crowded, we each bought a bamboo stick stick, feel like Sun Wukong. I saw the snow mountain Emei Mountain, Tibet mountain, lined with white clouds, like a paradise, very beautiful. I'm still at the top of the mountain... But unfortunately, we did not go to the monkey area, because we really do not climb, it is said that there are a lot of rogue monkey... Don't go too fine.


        The fifth day is the last day, finally do not have to climb the mountain, we went to the panda base, but only saw the lazy panda cub, and panda, had nothing to say. In the afternoon we went to Du Fu Thatched Cottage, where is the place where Du Fu once lived, very beautiful also very big, I always thought that Du Fu is very poor, lives in the house, originally is not such!


        Happy time always flies, we are reluctant to part left Chengdu...


       As is known to all, the tourism resource in Sichuan province is very abundant and you know, Chengdu is a city makes you reluctant to leave once you're here!

        I strongly recommand you to go to the Luodai Old Town. there you can appreciate the local old style architecture and relax ourself in the happy village near the old town, where the homemade countrystyle Sichuan food is very delicious.洛带古镇哈


       “花舞人间”地处道教名山老君山与著名景点梨花溪之间,是全国独树一帜的都市农业主题公园。国家 AAAA 级旅游景区。“花舞人间”以大面积的杜鹃花、樱花、草坪、树林、湖泊等景观为主题,是一个集休闲娱乐、餐饮、住宿和生态环保等功能于一体的全国独树一帜的都市农业主题公园。

       Between human omnia is located in the famous Taoism mountains Laojunshan and famous attractions in the Pear River, is the unique urban agriculture theme park. National AAAA class tourist attractions. "Dance world" in large area of rhododendron flowers, cherry, lawn, trees, lakes and other landscape as the theme, is a set of leisure and entertainment, catering, accommodation and ecological environmental protection and other functions in one of the unique urban agriculture theme park.




       Chengdu is a great city of China,it is in the west of China,we often call it "the heart of west in China".Chengdu is a famous cultural city of China for its long history.The nice food in Chengdu is famous for :fu qi fei pian,dan dan mian,la#from 作文 关于成都的 英语作文 3篇来自学优网 end#i tang yuan,long chao shou etc.In 2001," Jinsha relics"was found.and Jian Yuan temple is famous in Cheng du.There are 55 Nationalities in Chendu,the traffic developed very quickly.People who living in Chengdu are very happy.

        成都是中国的一个大城市。它位于中国西部,素有中国西部之心的称呼。成都有悠久的 文化 历史。在成都,非常有名的菜有“夫妻肺片,担担面,赖汤圆,龙抄手等。2001年,在成都发现金沙遗迹,著名的古迹还有建元寺等。成都生活着55个少数民族。成都的交通发展非常迅速。生活在成都的人民感觉非常幸福。


       The people usually had the desire which goes out, if you produced have gone out the traveling the desire, Chengdu was the destination which you might consider, Chengdu is Sichuan's provincial capital city, located at the Chinese southwest Chengdu plain, one toured to this may let you understand Chengdu's joyful life style, the native of Chengdu by theirs leisurely and carefree being famous, Chengdu is a culture and the historical famous city, during many famous traditional construction, strolled quite in a on hall history lesson, but the urban center business district was tall buildings row after row, told the tourist Chengdu is also one modern commercial city, the Chengdu most famous street is the spring west road, it is located at the town center, is a shopping paradise, Chengdu takes a beautiful heaven, but is known far and wide, collects this from the regional people to taste the famous snack and the hot pot, Chengdu take its historical glorious culture as the characteristic, if the long time shopping or the street corner stroll to feel are weary, may the restaurant rest which finds at everywhere in the street relax, Sichuan is panda's hometown, Chengdu has a famous panda theme park, beautiful Jing Jiang extends is putting on the city, the both banks exquisite scenery causes the human to have an eyeful, beautiful Chengdu opens happily, greets from the world's the baby, nobody returns brings to leave here disappointedly!



       It is said that Chengdu is a city which if you come you can't leave.It has a long history.there stands Du Fu's thatched cottage ,The Temple of Zhugeliang and some other place of historical interest.They are all so famous that many foreign tourists like to come here.Chengdu also has a comfortable weather for people
